Rest In Peace: Lala Brown

published by Angella at 10/20/2007 03:12:00 PM


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I'm not sure how true this is, because it came from Sandra Rose's email inbox. Not to be disrespectful or anything. It is just that I have not really hear about it like that nor on the news. I know y'all remember Lyfe Jennings video S.E.X feat Lala Brown. Well Ms.Brown has been found dead in a recording studio basement along with her mate this weekend. No details really. Read the email and view photos video after the cut. R.I.P Lala Brown Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Email:
Hi Sandra, My name is J and I live in Milwaukee, WI. I am emailing you so that you can post on your blog that La La Brown was murdered this weekend. She sang on Lyfe Jenning's S.E.X. She was found dead with her boyfriend in the basement of a recording studio. She has a young daughter. Please pass this on to your readers. Please withhold my email address too. Thanks.
Lyfe Jennings feat. Lala Brown S.E.X

What next?

3 representers:

Anonymous said...


Miss Meka da Writing Model said...

I live in Milwaukee and I personally knew La La we were actually talking about her doing this song I wrote called 'So Serious' I spoke with her Wednesday and she seemed like she was interested, but I didn't hear anything back from her. I found out about her death Saturday morning and it was a *SHOCK* to me. This was not supposed to happen - she had so many plans. Me and my friend 'Purple Haze' are doing a modeling group and her name came up Friday to get her to perform at one of our shows. My thoughts and prayers go out to Amirrah (her 4yr old daughter), her mother, father, family and countless friends. We need to stop this senseless killing....

Anonymous said...

When I saw the news I was like damn! because she really just started out and her voice was amzing! on that Lyfe track, it was all soulful. Miss Meka of milwauke thanks for stopping by the site and telling us a little about her. Stay in contact :)

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