
They told Beyonce more clothing! please...

published by Angella at 8/24/2007 07:13:00 AM


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Apparently not everyone is feeling Beyonce's sasha all out side. It's been reported that folks in Malaysia(where the hell is that?) Have very strict policy for dressing codes-behavior. The performers over there are not allowed to perform certain things on stage such as kiss,hug or wear indicent,drug related clothes and blah blah blah. Well to end this story B agreed to wear more clothing and set to perform at Malaysia Nov1st!
"Beyonce won't be able to do the kind of show here that she does elsewhere," Razali told the AP. "She's a fashion icon, and we know that she often wears miniskirts and clothes that expose her navel during her performances. It's a pity to restrict her, because her costumes are all tasteful and glamorous."

What next?

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