
Big Tiger and Tyson Beckford, Once Lovers?!

published by Angella at 8/24/2007 06:50:00 AM


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This piece got me by suprise while I was strolling down Panache Report getting my gossip reading on...*smile* It seems as if Superhead is trying to put out there that she caught Bet's 106 former co-host Big Tiger with Tyson Beckford in a "compromising situation" in a hotel room. *Shocked* Now this can all just be a he said,she said or hell Superhead trying to get some publicity. Although I myself taught the rumors of Tiger being (you know) had died down! Now it's back again. Tigers plans to file a lawsuit and supposedly asked Superhead why she would say such thing when he gave her money to support her offspring when she was broke.
Big Tigger is telling friends that he's filing a lawsuit for slander against the individual who started the rumor-that he and male model Tyson Beckford were once lovers. Also, Tyson's friends are urging him to follow suit. It will be interesting to see the outcome of this ordeal. Will Tigger really follow through? The following transpired on the Jamie Foxx radio show (Foxxhole). Karrine said she saw Tigger in a hotel room with another man in a compromising position. Jamie Foxx's staff called Tigger and put him on the air where he - A) vehemently said that Karinne was lying, B) that he could not understand why Karrine would say something like that when he gave her money to support her kid when she was broke, and C) that "he has never been in front of or behind any man." Karrine's response was, "but you were lying on your back." Karrine thanked Tigger for giving her money for her son, but immediately questioned Tigger, "so you're going to lie? You don't remember Spring Break [year] when you and Tyson Beckford were in the hotel room? You're going to say that's not true Tigger?" The response from Tigger was that she had no proof and "nothing has ever been in his a**"

What next?

2 representers:

HeyShae! said...

LMAO... I can see it happening.

Anonymous said...


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