
Psss...what in the hell is that?!

published by Angella at 6/11/2008 08:33:00 PM



*Sighs in frustration*..Solange was doing so good in the last couple of weeks, until this nightmare.Now all that effort that was thrown in are automatically thrown out the daggone window with this mess! I blame her peeps for this one. I mean how in the hell are you going to let the girl walk out of her house with that un-known thing on her eyebrows?! Click here to see photo in larger size.

What next?

2 representers:

Quick said...

...i know right! lol; Somebody has NO real people around them or else they would have tapped her on the shoulder!

Anonymous said...

She really was doing so well. Had me ready to buy her CD, and everything...Oh, well!

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