Nivea and the Dream Divorcing?!

published by Angella at 12/10/2007 03:45:00 PM


[The dream"Terius Nash", Nivea w/ Talla Nash]
I have been eyeing this story for a few days now, but I was not quite sure about it until I read the quote from Nivea below. To me, that is quite strange that in photos they look happy with their child and on television too. I remember when Nivea did Soul Train a while back ,and the dream was performing on stage with her, they look so into each other. Like my momma always says "child, look can be deceiving, good god" read more after the cut!
I am also sorry to have to report the news of our separation. It is however a mutual decision for the both of us. We see this as an attempt to try and maintain the friendship we’ve developed since our marriage and also to allow growth for myself as well as him. Unfortunately I was not prepared for partnership or even real life for that matter. I am completely and truly grateful and thankful to God for sending him into my life and to him for everything that he has done for me and my family and that includes monetarily as well as spiritually and mentally, especially for myself, which was never his responsibility in the first place. None of you are aware of the real me and I plan to make that as clear as possible on this next album. I come from a sad and scary past that I am still in the process of overcoming and growing past, thanks to the man I love and always will. This is truly the only person I’ve ever known or heard of that is incredibly loving, passionate, wise, psychic, wise, creative, genius, and many more things that I could never put into words. I don’t feel it is fair for neither of us, especially him, to continue this never-ending battle of the minds that he and i have continued for long enough. I want nothing more than for him and I to be happy. His happiness is all i want, for I could never repay him for what he has endured by being my friend, partner, and husband. [SOURCE]

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