Lil Kim Mixtape Cover

published by Angella at 12/10/2007 03:15:00 PM


This is supposedly Lil Kim cover for her upcoming mixtape; Ms G.O.A.T. *Sigh* Here I was thinking that the slutty crach house clothing were gone for good after the jail bid. Guess I was wrong!

What next?

2 representers:

Anonymous said...

Listen up Yall!! There's a time and place 4 everything, right? Well the time has now come for all those who CONTINOULSLY hate ((CUN-TEN-YOU-US-LEE)) for all of those who can't read, spell or write!
Now back to what I was typing, for all those that want to hate, debate and all that extra dramatic ish to find your UMPH in the New Year ahead. Kim is the illest like
Sinead O'Connor said, *NOTHING COMPARE TO YOU* not a no one yea I said not a no one! NOTORIOUS KIM, QUEEN BEE, MRS. G.O.A.T., however you want to address her is the REALEST FEMALE MC of our Genre so brush that dirt off and join all those who recognize real. The loudest one in the room IS the WEAKEST, REAL GANGSTA'S move in silence so I'm letting this go. Get a life or shutdafuggup!

Anonymous said...

Although the crotch shots are a bit over done (sorry Kim) this mixtape is straight FIRE!!!!! No bullshyt...Lil Kim did her thing-thing on this one. I havent been into her in a minute. The Naked Truth was solid but btwn the plastic surgery and the trashy outfits I felt like her music was suffering. NOT ANYMORE!!!!! All I can say is that she has definitely re-established herself as a female not to be effed with.

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