Diamond stalking Lil Scrappy?!

published by Angella at 10/27/2007 05:39:00 PM


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*Laughs out loud*. I never even knew these two were dating! did you..? According to Rhymeswithsnitch Lil' Scrappy and Diamond from Crime Mob was going out. But at the same time he was supposedly still messing around with his baby mama by the name of Erica. So now that the two has broken up, Diamond and Erica has "gotten into it" at an Atlanta Club recently. Read more after the cut. Also if any of y'all ATL club goers has a clarification or more on this Email your girl :) I will grately appreciated it lol!
Ok, so last week Ill Seed at All Hip Hop said Atlanta rappers Lil Scrappy and Diamond from Crime Mob had broke up, and we all know he still be messing with his baby mama, Erica. Anyway, now I'm hearing stuff about how Scrappy baby Mama and Diamond got into it at an Atlanta area club and how Diamond be stalking Scrappy whenever he and Erica are together. Any of you Atl people got details on the club fight?

What next?

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