
Eve comes face with the Gay rumors

published by Angella at 8/18/2007 04:00:00 PM


*Sigh* Eve has recently conducted an interview with Clay Cane. The rapper and actress elaborated on her clothing line Fetish, and the gay rumors that has been circulating around. Now if I'm getting this right. Eve is saying in this interview that she does not mess around with women? But then there is that picture of her getting eating by one. Hell! if it is even her.
I do not have problems with any gay-lesbian person. Trust me, but I just do not have a liking for liars. So until then this is a TO BE CONTINUED story for me.
By the way her upcoming album will be in stores SEpt.18th
Sizzla, one of the guest artists on your album, is known for his anti-gay lyrics and was even protested in the U.K. and in France. How do you reconcile that with your gay fan base? That’s his personal thing. I’m a huge fan of Sizzla, but anybody who knows the Jamaican community knows that is something they don’t accept, they don’t like—it’s been like that for years. Do I agree with his lyrics? No! It’s kind of sad, because on the other side of him being negative about gay issues, he is one of the reggae artists known to be more conscious and talk about positive things. At the end of the day, it’s not for me to defend him—he has to defend himself.

Thanks to a dear friend of RBTF for the photo

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