
'07 Scream Fest Tour is coming!

published by Angella at 7/19/2007 03:23:00 PM


T.I., Ciara,Young Joc and Lloyd appeared on 106th. Yesterday the 18th. To break it down a little bit more about this upcoming tour. Which will start August 3rd. in New Orleans. "Right by the bayou" lol!As some of you may know it will not be the same as the other ones. T.I. describe the upcoming tour at the New York City press conference as " The 'New & Improved, Grown & Sexy Scream Tour"
So people Click here for the tour dates and if one of you RBTF readers are going, I expect some snaps men. I hope they hit up Beantown because you know I'm going to be there.
Did y'all notice how Ciara was not doing a good job at denying her little 50 bonding thing when she was being questioned by Roxy and dummy Ter..Word to CeCe:
Sweetie you practically told us the answer to that you+25 cent= a couple . She had the nerve to blame it on bet! lol!

What next?

1 representers:

asia1212 said...

cant wait!!!

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