Yung Berg on Kim Kardashian-"shawty is damaged goods"

published by Angella at 4/01/2008 01:53:00 PM


While making my daily stops to Straightouttanyc today, I found this lame yet interesting video of upcoming rapper Yung Berg if you can even call him that ,taking shots at Kim Kardashian saying "shawty is damaged goods" and even taking shots at Lil Bow wow saying " who is that dude, I don't even know who dude is, I do know Lil Bow Wow, I don't know who dude transformed" My own response to this is ; yes I agree with KK's being a stunt and Bow Wow or whatever the hell his name is, has transformed into this wanna-be grow-up ganstress but on the real n*ggaz is really trying to sell albums on dead dogs! Did someone not tell him he just came out and got somewhat known with singers hook on his songs? not the other way around, sorry!

What next?

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