New Video: Rocko - Umma do me

published by Angella at 12/11/2007 05:14:00 PM


New comer on the hip-hop scene. Rocko aka Monica's baby daddy with his brand new single. "Umma do me". Now I am going to cut the bullshit and say that yes I am feeling this song, video not really. What I find interesting is that reading a blog site today, someone(which I am not even going to mention,because some already know who the Beyonce Addict she is) had the nerve to say that Rocko is "Atlanta’s next King of the South" hahaha! again. Some statements does not deserve any wording but damn! Let's see if the little dude can get him a grammy or a powerful fan-based then we could discuss this. This shit bothered me a little, LOL!

What next?

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