
Wyclef's daughter name

published by Angella at 10/18/2007 02:32:00 PM


I have been meaning to re-cap my post about Wyclef and his beautiful daughter. As you can maybe recall that I did not know her name. Thanks to RBTF reader Zoe, her name is Angelina Claudinelle

What next?

5 representers:

Anonymous said...

He made sure to get a mulatto baby. Of all the babies in Haiti, he made sure to adopt the one with “good” hair. What a shame. This man shows us how much he detests being black.

Angella said...

How do you know this child is adopted? Please provide some proof before running your damn hands on the keyboard. I mean why is that the one thing you have to post have to be some kind of hate. That shows something...

Zoe' said...

He do have an adopted child, but she is not the one.

Anonymous said...

So-- that's his real child? but he did adopt another child from Haiti?

Angella said...

Truthfully I do not know if that is his child or not. sorryy....

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