
Celeb quote item - Who said that?

published by Angella at 10/18/2007 02:11:00 PM


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She supposedly told her fans while on stage in the middle of a performance, to "Shut the f*ck up or I will have you taken out of here and I’ll gice you your money back…security I’m serious" in response to them telling her they love her. hehe! straight Gansta! Find out who said that very mean quote after the cut. You'd be suprised. Jill Scott! Here is a direct quote from ybf:
People from the crowd screamed “I love you!” 3 times at the House of Blues Sunset Strip last night. Her response was “Shut the f*ck up or I will have you taken out of here and I’ll GIVE you your money back…security I’m serious”. She also said “I’m 35. I’m grown. Dont tell me what to do” a few mins before her outburst…

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