
Photos Of the Day

published by Angella at 8/06/2007 05:23:00 PM


Charm School winner Saphary looking okey-dokey!
Monica! a little birdy told me some wrong-correct news on one of the people above..hmmm!
Free! COME BACK ..please. I am tired of annoying ass J or Jaren whater his name is. Roxy NO comment. *shakes head*
EVA! what is wrong with that white stuff on you ? It don't look good. I mean apply it right, if you're going to put in in the first place. Look like you had a fight with a pile of dust! Hope you're ok.
Lil Kim what the f*ck is that on your face? baby power or you simmered that powder-powder by accident ...Next!
My homegirl aka Grand Hustle 's biggest Fan- Keisha asked me to post this photo of T.I. for her. *smile* That man looks good ..Tiny,tiny,tiny LMO!

What next?

2 representers:

Keesha said...

Girl is he the shit or what? I love that pic, that looks like his H. S. pic. I'm lovin it. Thatnsk mama.

Keesha said...

Saaphyri looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!Maybe I should have taken the Flavor of Love 3 auditions seriously. I could not even answer question 1 with a straight face.

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