
New Video: Brick and Lace - Love is Wicked!

published by Angella at 8/10/2007 08:49:00 PM


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If you visit here much, you know that I am a very big fan of these two ladies(Brick and Lace). Their first single was Never,Never which was a great song by the way ,that people slept on. Now the ladies are back with the second single; Love is Wicked. They are signed to Akon's label and have been singing ever since they were little. Click the photo to check out RBTF exclusive interview with the ladies, and learn more about them.
Click to Read RBTF'S Exclusive interview with Brick&Lace

What next?

1 representers:

Chanty91 said...

hey yo.. actually that's one of their long time songs when they were in's jus tha new video and a few changes to tha beat,, but its all good man...i love dat song wicked as well....

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