
Rihana and Cassie gets Humiliated! LOL!

published by Angella at 6/22/2007 03:42:00 PM


Reports have it that these non-talented
R&B singers were denied access to Fabo's album release party in New York City, because..... why? They were underage (under 21). Oh well y'all should have stay your butts home or practicing on them horrible vocals y'all call singing

What next?

5 representers:

Anonymous said...

Angella you need to watch your words, because Rihanna can sing I guess you don't have a radio because if you did you'll know her song is # number 1 right now!!!!!!!!!!

Angella said...

I'm aware of one person who will com to this blog and say to me "Angella you need to watch your words" Be a little punk,well at least you did not write a fake name this time, lol!Post under anonymous, and put all them !!!!!!!!!! at the end of the sentence :)
Well Lookee here lil girl. I say what the fuck I want,how I want, when I want because this here blog authors' name is the one and only Beantown's finest ANGELLA.Don't come over here and tell me what to do, like I'm on some SR beyonce hating type of shit.Naw fam, I happened to like Rihana's single Umbrella and Break it up.I just think homegirl's vocal are not there yet, to be getting that much attention. Because Obviously people are sleeping on artist Like Toni Braxton,Tamia and so forth missy.It's the 21st century lil one who doesn't have a radio? lol!
Best take that shit to your blog,you have one right?
Every reader that come on here has an opinion, but direct that shit and twist it up by telling ME what to do. naw matter of fact stay on here so my shit's visits can hit the roof *wink* bye!

Anonymous said...

Lil' Girl please you can talk all that shit you want but at the end of the day rihanna is still paid so someone thinks she has the vocals that's why she is on one one of the best records out there. remember everyone had their own opinion so don't take it personal I can say whatever I feel like saying and so can you but don't get mad when I reply holla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S you may think you know but you have no idea who this is!!!!

Angella said...

LOL! LOL! LOL! ain't that a bitch Lil Girls disrespecting adults now and days lol! What is this world coming to? You still here hunh? I'm Glad! keep coming back,I appreaciate your visit puppet. I truly do.
Wait hold on, Take it personal? Bitch I mean Bird hehe! how am I taking this personal when this is a blog(which I owned by the way) and that's what's supposed to happen. I post something, I gave MY OPINION which= whatever the fuck I feel like saying.The readers respong back.I don't mind them responding back,just DO NOT TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK I SHOULD/SHOULDN'T DO. You little cry baby! I do pardon you for being so young and not really understand shit. Especially when I said Rihana has NO TALENTS, compared to artists like Toni Braxton, Tamia and so forth to be getting that much attention.Clean them fucking waxes out of your ear or ask mommy to do it.I'm going to post some real singers as video of the day. Please compare that to Rihana's. She must be paying you:)
(PS)(!!!!!) It can only be ONE dumb ass person who uses them shit a whole lot when they're writing. Just like I delete people off message board lol! In this case I can't delete you, but I DARE YOU TO POST AS ANONYMOUS NOW! HAHA!
Keep my traffic coming, because yours must obviously suck!

Unknown said...

On the real, Riahanna a TRUE singer? a good ass beat dont make you a true singer....she has a long way to go "anonymous" and I can see you do too.....listen to a ral singer and you MIGHT learn somethin

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