
Monica+ Rock/ Kiss=Love

published by Angella at 4/30/2007 12:51:00 PM


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EDIT FROM: Monica and Rodney are over?
Now let me clear my throat lol!
Looks as if Monica and Rodney are NOT heading for splitville after all. Like I said before and all my rumor later post. Do not take seriously what I say about my 'rumor alert(don't beleive intil proven) posts. Oh! I'm going to humor that blogger(in a good way) by spreading this:) *wink*
"Y'all, please don't believe the rumors that Monica and her man, Rock, have split. Monica and I talked about this last week and she expressed concern that her fans might believe these stupid rumors. She wondered why I wasn't addressing the rumors since I knew the truth. I felt like I let Monica, her fans and my readers down. I have a responsibility to all parties to keep my readers informed with the truth. The problem with some of our women is that we are so miserable with our own lives that only causing another woman pain will ease our hurt. Just like Monica said, "Good news doesn't travel" and she's right. Y'all don't want to hear good news. When you thought Monica and Rock were separated you couldn't wait to spread the news. Now let's see if you spread this."
Guess who's blog?

What next?

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