
American Idol dude a "fruity to the booty"?

published by Angella at 3/12/2007 05:41:00 PM


Now lol! lol! lol! I do not watch American Idol. For those that watched that show probably know who he is. Mario Vasquez Well, my dude got a nice lawsuit behind him. He is being accussed of masturbating in front of an employee, Magdaleno Olmos (assistant accountant for the comp. that produces the show) while he was in the bathroom on set! To put the icing on the caking(ooh! I'm cooking some chickne right now) TMZ reports that

Vasquez mysteriously dropped out of "Idol," citing personal reasons
hehe! I say that's funny. But no one has any solid proof yet. But the from the way that Olmos dude allegedly mentions in the lawsuit, looks like he was getting raped! lol!

What next?

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