Video Shoot: Plies- 'Who's hotter than me'

published by Angella at 3/29/2008 06:56:00 PM



Florida rapper Plies my sexxy-ass baby daddy!shot the video for his upcoming single 'Who's hotter than me' off his sophmore album "Definition of Real" hitting the stores June 10th. Be sure on the lookout for the single's world premiere on April 1

What next?

3 representers:

Anonymous said...

I am totally feeling Plies. He is not the best looking thang out there but I definitely been kinda addicted to some of songs. Esp. Busted Baby

Edirin said...

i aint mad, hes doing his thing

Angella said...

that man is SEXXXY! period. I don't know what it is though

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