Do not F*ck with me!

published by Angella at 1/25/2008 02:30:00 PM


If you have been a faithful reader to this site, you would be aware that RBTF is a site that has been trying to come up for the past 10months. Although there are loyal ones who stands by the site, visit on a regular basis,post comments, there are some that barely visits and suddenly demands as to why I am not applying them in my blogroll. Chick (you lucky because I will not mention your name) you must be out of your goddamn mind! get a godamn grip! I am working all that I have to get this site to where I want it to be. Yet I still feel like Repping Beantown blog is not getting the right appreciation in a lot of places or sites. I added a new feature yesterday and people barely showed up, but when they want to get the latest photos of Tiny/T.I. or something that is when my stats are going thru the roof! I'm not guiding this towards all of you. Still I'm not mad, because I got at least a 10minute chat with two readers which was very entertaining. Thank you ladies for showing up. I'm not asking anyone to come here if you do not want to, but I'll be damned if you are getting upset because I don't add you on my blogroll! when I barely..naw NEVER see a link on your site shouting me out when you know damn well you got something from here. I only provide link to people who display my site on theirs. I am in the middle of contemplating(Thank's to my anonymous reader) if this site should stay open, but in the meantime you will still receive news,photos and whatever I can provide. I will announce in a couple of days if Repping Beantown will stay open. Truthfully I am tired of showing love to people and not receiving it in return. Once again thank you to the faithful ones. We appreciate you very much! Big shout out to Quick Catch-up and Chocolatewithchips for the strong support.

What next?

8 representers:

Quick said...

...i hope you will remain open. I know exactly where you are coming from. Don't let the haters get you down...

Anonymous said...

Hey ma I feel where u coming from I had a fun chatting with u and Mela so don't sweat it ma!xoxo_Mercedes

Anonymous said...

"middle of constipating" is this a typo/misspoke, contemplating? or case of tmi? lol

Enjoyed reading some of your posts...

-another MA visitor

Angella said...

LOL! Thank you very much for poiting out my typo!!! How nice of you

Unknown said...

Gie, Gie, you gotta let the haterz hate and keep it movin'..misery luvs company...

HotSauce!! said...

I have to admit that I am sorry, i come on here all the time and not give you any love (i don't take your pics cause i could care less about TI and Tiny and goggle does a good job of helping me with that). For obvious selfish reasons girl you my MA competition!! You better not take down this blog because this is your baby, you work hard to create it and uphold it). I know what it feels like to feel like you writing for youself.

Just remember that even if you have two readers, write for those two readers.Stop thinking about it as a job and do it as a hobby. that's what i do I write for those people that constantly show me love. I'll start being better and i'll even link you.

Girl keep your head up!! and if you take this blog down i'm going to find you somewhere and Boston and beat your butt...


HotSauce!! said...

Oh and I hate when people point out my damn typos..This ain't English class

Anonymous said...

Im sorry you are dealing with this. You know ATL got alotta love for you and I hope you continue with your blog. It is very good.

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