
SuperHead Covers Black Women Magazine

published by Angella at 10/23/2007 06:28:00 PM


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spotted at str8
Superhead covering November/December issue of Black Women Mag. Oh my good lord! if this is who they choose to represent todays's black women then we are completly f*****! I mean Superhead?! Why lord? why?! why?! why?! damnit why?! How does a hoe get that far? I mean the girl should be covering porno mag for cryin out loud! *Angry*

What next?

2 representers:

Quick said...

...i agree; they got her on the cover trying to act all brand-new.

Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with the statement made she isn't the only HOE in hollywood or anywhere else. She is just the only female famous for it. Dont hate her for putting the real biz in the street give her her props for CHANGING and making her paper for it. I think she should be the inpiration for the rest of the females that are trying to follow her. I mean if you gone take it there, better yourself from the experience. Make sure you get what YOU want from it THE FAME AND FORTUNE.

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