
RBTF Exclusive Interview w/ Nichelle Walker

published by Angella at 10/06/2007 06:05:00 PM


*Now don't make fun of me. The damn cam kept skipping LOL!

Repping Beantown recently got a chance to interview, new upcoming author: Nichelle Walker. She is the brilliant author of the blazing, hot urban novel "Doing His Time". From an opinion of someone who read this book, I can definitely tell you it will have you on the edge of your seat . At the same time enrich your mind on most of our teen girls now and days. Emerald might be the girl that some of you used to be or still is. Either way you or your friends can relate somewhat to this tale.

I will add the writing portion later. I did not hold off, because I know some readers were anxious towards this interview. Big Thanks to Nichelle and cop that book people! For more info on Nichelle Walker you can check out her official website

What next?

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