
Celeb quote item- Who said that?

published by Angella at 10/20/2007 04:13:00 PM


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- - - - - - said about T.I. on a recent interview with MTV:
" I believe in one sense he's a prophet. He has that gift. When he speaks, whatever he speaks about, you can feel it. And beyond feeling it, he really lived it. And it's like, he's basically saying, 'Look what I become. And you kids inside of these rough communities, you can become that.' I grew to like him a lot. I got attached to him, and he's someone I would definitely ride for. I went back and listened to it and played it for a lot of homies. And they said the song reminded them of the 2Pac song 'Keep Ya Head Up,' but the 2008 version. Because the song is like, 'I could have been, but look what I become. "
Todays's Quote item brought to you by Allthat' See who said this after the cut

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