
Britney Spears Lost her Kids!

published by Angella at 10/01/2007 05:18:00 PM


Man this is sad as hell! It has been reported today that the ex-pop singer Britney Spears has lost her two sons. Sean Preston and Jayden James to their Biological father; Kevin Ferdile. My gut is telling that the judge took this little fiasco into big consideration

LOS ANGELES (Oct. 1) - Britney Spears ' continuing downward spiral took a devastating turn on Monday when she was ordered to relinquish custody of her children by a judge who had cited a troubling lifestyle fueled by drugs and alcohol. Superior Court Judge Scott M. Gordon ruled that ex-husband Kevin Federline will take custody of Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, beginning Wednesday "until further order of the court." {READ MORE}

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