
About I love New York 2 Last night....

published by Angella at 10/09/2007 04:50:00 PM


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I can't believe I missed THE GAME, because I was so damn focused on watching that show. I can't really give you a recap nor do I have the time to do that right now. So whoever watch ILNY2, the comment section is now your forum to start up your own little discussion lol! In fair prediction I think Midget Mac is taking that ass home at the season finale. what do you think? OOH! OOH! just out of complete ramdomness JLO is preggers with twins I heard. For those who were slow just like me with this one :)
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Anonymous said...

I watched it too...VH1 has some sort of On Demand category where I was able to watch most of it...I had to miss the end of The Game too..Boooo

She's gonna get rid of the Midget by the 4th show....I think the finale will hold Chance and Punk...

She'll pick Punk...but she'll let Chance hit it LMAO

Anonymous said...

Well that kinda sounds correct when I really think about it, but I think the real competion at the end will be between CHANCE AND Midget mac. NY is the type of heifer by the way she acts on tv. She wants a dude that she can "step over" when necessary. That's why Flav left her ass twice and that other dummy dude.LOL! I'm putting my $$$ on Chance

Anonymous said...

Yeah Im with angela on that one.The girl a trip!

Anonymous said...

That bitch be doing some crazy things on that show. I really think she fucked fal on national television!

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