
King Harris's Bday Snapshots

published by Angella at 9/01/2007 06:15:00 PM


As some of you know Lil T.I. (King) had a birthday party over the last few days. From my collection of say so's. The party was planned by Grand Hustle's own Hannah, Atlanta Journal covered it, Tameka was satified with the turn-out.

What next?

2 representers:

asia1212 said...

Hope Lil Man had fun!!!!

Meika said...

aww, it looks like it was a good turn out, heck, I had told Tiny that I wish I was there to enjoy all the festivites with lil King. lol. Well, I hope that he had lots of fun. God BLess!


P.S. Ang, thanks for leaving that comment towards those haters, because really, it's ridicilous, how so many envy Meka, cause she's with the King. They can hate all they want, but they wasting their time. So Get Over it!!!!!!!!!!

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