
Janice Dickinson 's Horrefying Childhood!!

published by Angella at 9/05/2007 04:40:00 PM


I was Shocked when I first read this about Super Model Janice Dickinson on Panache Reports. God bless her heart. It is quite long,but worth reading. Trust me..
She was nine years old when he first came into her room one night and told her, "we are going to play the lollipop game. A special game for a father and a daughter." He then zipped down his pants and said, "this is daddy's d**k. You rub it like this. Now open your mouth." Janice refused to open her mouth. His left hand shot out with such speed and force it knocked her clear off the bed. She opened her mouth to scream but he put her in a headlock and began to squeeze as he screamed, "You ungrateful little punk. You're nothing to me, you know that, less than nothing. You're trash. You'll never amount to anything. Some day you'll be on your knees begging guys to suck them off for a few bucks." He then flung her across the room, she landed in a crumpled heap in the corner. From this point on, Ray would continue to sneak in her room when he wasn't sneaking in her two sisters room. Despite these horrifying incidents, Janice became of the highest paid models of the 70's and 80's and she coined the term, "Supermodel." She also dated Mick Jagger and Sly Stallone. Despite this, her father continued to insult her at every opportunity and never told her he was proud of her. One day, she visited her mother, her father glared at her and then kicked the family dog across the room. Later that evening, her mother thought Ray was having a heart attack and the paramedics were called. They loaded him up into the ambulance. Janice's mother told her to follow the ambulance and not to forget to take Ray's medication (several pill vials) because his life depended on them. As she was following the ambulance, Janice remembers looking down at the vial of pills, then she suddenly rolled down the window and began tossing them out onto the highway. When she arrived at the hospital, she saw her father strapped to a gurney. The doctor asked her what was wrong with him, she said, "He's insane." Then suddenly, she told the doctor, "I want this motherfucker dead. Finish him off." She then looked down at Ray and screamed, "Die, motherfucker, Die, you fucking pig! I hate you! Two orderlies had to restrain Janice. A third wheeled the gurney out of sight, Janice continued to scream, "I hate you, motherfucker, Do the world a favor and die!" A few days later, Ray passed away due to heart complications.

What next?

1 representers:

Anonymous said...

I think Janice Dickinson will always be a Drama queen.

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