
Eddie Griffin tossed off stage for the "N" word!

published by Angella at 9/04/2007 04:51:00 PM


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It has been reported that actor/comedian Eddie Griffin has been tossed off stage during a Black enterprise event over the weekend. The way gossip folks are saying it happened is Eddie hit the stage to perform his act and he mentioned "why are some black leaders telling us to stop using the N word?" Then they cut off his mike, while Earl Graves marched very furiously on stage and said
"We ... will not allow our culture to go backwards ... We will pay Mr. Griffin all that we owe him but we will not allow him to finish the show if that's the way he's going to talk."
DAMN! and to top it off the audience gave the Black Enterprise owner and publisher a Standing Ovation for saying that! Again God Damn!

What next?

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