
RBTF New Changes!

published by Angella at 8/14/2007 09:54:00 PM


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Hey RBTF readers. (500) something of you lol! I have decided to take this blog into a new direction. Since it is called Repping Beantown to the fullest. I have to let y'all in on the newest author of RBTF which is also a Beantown representer.
She will have a column on here which will features news,photos,gossip directly about beantown. So please stay tuned for that. I am trying my best for this blog to become a CL,SR,CD ..type of status. But I need y'all support.
I need more exclusives post on here. That's why I have been doing my best to reach out to the big names.
So please bear with me and please SUPPORT ME if you visit,read and enjoy this blog. You will not be forgotten. Stay tuned for some changes.Thank you -Angella

What next?

2 representers:

Old School Fridays said...

You support me, and it sounds like you have more readers than I do. It takes time, if I had started my blog three years ago like I first planned, I wouldn't have to hustle as much.

Angella said...

Girl I have these amounts on a good day.I think if my site was listed on these million per day traffic site. I would hit Jackpot.I need more exclusives. You're blog and it's designs to die for girl!

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