
Usher have officialy gone Gansta' n' Da' boy wipped!

published by Angella at 7/18/2007 05:45:00 PM


Headline caught you off lol! I just read that R&B singer Usher has issued a what you might called it. A court order for his number fan site's admin Erika Jackson. Get this! The reason dummy sent out the order for the site to be shut down was because Erika do not like what's that old lady's name...?? uummm Yeah Maneka. lol! Some are denying this. But we will just have to wait and see. I'm not doubting that from homeboy. He whipped as hell! You know things are bad when you're going against your own fans. *shake head*

What next?

1 representers:

Unknown said...

His new girl is a man. I don't care what nobody say.

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