
Recent Snapshots of T.I. and Tiny

published by Angella at 7/12/2007 05:29:00 PM


Recent Pics of Tiny and T.I. going or coming from wherever they were. Sorry I did not post earlier. I could not find where I saved from the email lol! According to Xscape well aquainted friend over at Tiny said

She said that she is going for a dark coco look, with some blond and red streaks. She is not done yet.

Anyways whatever she does make it look good homie! *wink* I got another Tiny pic I'll post it up later.

What next?

4 representers:

asia1212 said...

I love her hair!!!i think she should keep that color it is really pretty!!!

lemonbrown82 said...

i actually like it. she is one of those people who can wear any color and it works for her. i can't stand dark hair on me at all i love blonde! just light colors period. it works for her and she looks younger actually. its nice.

daniellerenee78 said...

i like the dark look. And i think the red and blonde streaks with make it pop.

lemonbrown82 said...

by the way angella they were at the espy studio around the time of the espy awards in hollywood. this is where they were.

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