
Pic of the Day:Beyonce and Jay-Z Preggers+Dancing

published by Angella at 7/08/2007 02:45:00 PM


article spotted on Mediatakeout
Awww! Look at those lovebirds. Too bad SR, them too look like they are staying with each other. LOL! Speaking of BeJay, I heard them too might have a little Yonce or Sean coming soon. I know there are always these type of rumors about them . Yeah yeah. But this one is recent. So just updating you good people on that. I'm upset that the only site that has the quote was the one that I just can't stand! But oh well read for yourself. This is from a supposedly insider in B' camp who drop them suspicious lines, below.
"I have a sneaking suspicion that Beyonce may be pregnant. Don't ask me why, but she's been doing a lot of things that are making [us] suspicious ... All of a sudden she's going crazy about people smoking around her. She never used to be that way, so this is really out of the blue. She doesn't even allow [Jay Z] to smoke a cigar in front of her." "Beyonce hasn't been having anything to drink - not even champagne ... and while she's no lush, she usually doesn't turn down a glass of bubbley" "Beyonce has given up on her diet. She used to count every single calorie that she consumed ... now she seems to be eating whatever she wants."

What next?

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