
Beyonce bust her a$$ Bad!

published by Angella at 7/25/2007 03:01:00 PM


photo spotted on Sr
Man I would of posted the video of Mrs. Carter falling and bumping her head. But they done remove it from youtube!!!!!!!!!!! I know for a fact that there is a physcho out there who's rejoicing on this fall. Forgot if Dr.Phil even gave her name. But I was wacthing it last week and this broad was OBSESSED with Jay-Z! I never saw that one. She stalked his sister,best friend,employee and him. Well anyways
I'm salted lol! If anyone knows another site that has it, please please let me know

What next?

2 representers:

Unknown said...

They have one still up //"

Angella said...

Thanks you so much!!!!!!!!lol!

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