
Tiny&Tip's Babies- King and Zonnique

published by Angella at 6/20/2007 03:40:00 PM


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Shoutouts to my girl Shaina for the look out I know I apologized if I said babies for Zonnique. lol! They are just to cute! King is always happy I swear,in every pic I've seen him in and look oh so adorable. WARNING: Do not hurt yourself by coming over here and talking sh*t about people kids.

What next?

2 representers:

Anonymous said...

Good, you found pix without the MediaTakeOut tags. They are sooo cute

Unknown said...

Dang...I can remember the video when you were pregnant way back when and look at how beautiful your girl is and how handsome your son is.....You are truly blessed.....this I know you know girl!!!

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