

published by Angella at 5/08/2007 09:27:00 AM


This video shows T.I. performing at Bentley College, not too long ago. When an individual from the audince threw a water bottle at him ... for people who don't know what it was. I heard the rapper,had the stop the show several times. You can find the full article about this incident over any google seach engines.

and just because someone is born light weight as him, that doesn't mean he can't hold down his own in a fight,hell even win. For all those that insist on getting on his weight. Couple ?'s

  • Does he even know you..? Care about the bullsh*t you're saying. So why mouth off?
  • Would you be willing to show your self for people to view your a** over the internet? lol!

What next?

1 representers:

Anonymous said...

he skiiny as hell! lol! that nigga must weight like a feather tons

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