
Need your Input!

published by Angella at 5/23/2007 03:47:00 PM


While I was browsing around the internet. I stumble on this pic of 50 in the army uniform. So I took a closer look. Come to find out that it was actually a movie that 50 was in in 2006. Titled Home of the Brave.

Is it me or am I the only one who knows about this movie.Because the way the article made, it seems as if it was this big movie! Well I did not know of it until now. There were some big name actor in it too, that what make it more suprising to me like Samuel J. Jessica Biel and so on...
Check out some pics from the un-heard movie. If anyone heard about it let me know, because either I'm lost on this one or just well lost lol!

What next?

1 representers:

Anonymous said...

You're not the only one girl

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