
Cameron;Gone Gansta in his Boxers!!! HAHA!

published by Angella at 5/26/2007 09:36:00 PM


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This is too funny! I just found this video of Cameron or however you spell his name. Coming @ Curtis all G' up in his underwear, calling him names such as d*ck head and ya-te-ya-ta.

Dude coming at someone on tape, and putting that shit on the internet walking back and forth, in your underwear thinking you're ill. Just give up son! Just give up. Someone else would have pull that off, but not you camie. Just resign already. Vacation home, my a$$. Oh If anyone knows where I can view the video of Jim Jones, getting Jumped at Ryker's park and Cam running off like a b*tch. Please get at me with that. I know it's been a min, but they still talk about that sh*t in the hood. It was that bad hunh? Note: This post was not me hating on nobody,just telling it like it is. Don't like it oh! well : )

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