
50 and T.I. have their rights!

published by Angella at 5/20/2007 06:44:00 PM


Before You click play here are a few questions to ask yourself

  • Why are those people getting on rapper?
  • Isn't there some more.. naw fuck that, lots! of important issues to set our focuse on?
  • Why are you trying to knock somebody else hustle? when you get fed more than three times a day?

Now view 50's part and TIP's part. Also get@ me on the comment if you peeped that black chick in the back gave Tip this look, like she's trying to be ill? or am I bugging?

What next?

3 representers:

Anonymous said...

its your girl Bianca
i totally agree with TIP.
all he said is all good and you are right the woman in the back is the actress Tichina Arnold and she was looking at TIP like he stupid like whatever

Anonymous said...

Yea fukk tichina arnold! She did look at him krazy n u wusnt buggin! wh0 she thank she iz! lol u kno she listen to tip ya dig! but i agree wid tip! He wus right on spot wid all dat he said!

Angella said...

LOL! I thought I was seeing things. But he is right though. People are looking for other folks to lay their blames on hoe their kids are acting, instead of handling that sh*t theirself.

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