
T.I.'s "No Sweat" snippet

published by Angella at 4/28/2007 11:06:00 AM


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(Pic by RBTF blog,courtesy of do not steal!

The king-Urban Legend of the south's song "No sweat" has supposedly leaked on the Internet. But truth is I think I already heard that song somewhere last week, I mean the whole thing. But I'll look into that. In the meantime don't forget to cop T.I.vs Tip when it comes out.
Be on the look-out for my T.I. blog. Not sure what I'm going to call it yet.By the way I need people to help me with delivering news on there on a regular basis. I'll get back to you on that. Email me for now, while I figure what I need. I'm working on Tiny's fan page layout right now.

What next?

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