
Olivia new Gig!

published by Angella at 4/30/2007 01:12:00 PM


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Edit From: Olivia+sexual assualt/g-unit=her dropped from label?
I'm sorry I haven't edited the Olivia post. It slipped my mind . But as lots of you may know. Olivia did leave G-unit. Her leaving was caused by some sort of sexual assault. Not sure by who? or how it happened. Because I don't know them people like that. Also I kind of have a tendecy of not really taking in things without having complete proof. But anyways. I've heard home girl is still at it. Good for her and boo-hoo! to whoever caused her to leave. But then again, it might jus be a blessing in disguise.

What next?

2 representers:

Anonymous said...

she probably let him touch on her haha

Anonymous said...

whoever dumnass said that you're wrong and more!!!!

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