
Trying to Sabotage American Idol?

published by Angella at 3/15/2007 02:52:00 PM


It seems as if A.I. is not as strong as it used to be. I couldn't care less, because I do not watch that show anymore. Well, it seems as if some people, are trying to mess around with American Idol (suprised,I'm not). First the accusation against Mario... masturabting behing the scene and now a website for good folks like you to come and VOTE for the WORST. To my understanding tis website started in '04. I never knew about that. To them, they have a specific reason for this website. Here is a quote taking directly from the horse's mouth , in this case writing lol! I agree with it also,(oops)
"Now why do the producers do this? It's simple: American Idol is not about singing at all, it's about making good reality TV and enjoying the cheesy, guilty pleasure of watching bad singing. We agree that a fish out of water is entertaining, and we want to acknowledge this fact by encouraging people to make an even funnier show by helping the amusing antagonists stick around. VFTW sees keeping these contestants around as a golden opportunity to make a funnier show."

What next?

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