
Soul Train Awards Pics

published by Angella at 3/12/2007 03:50:00 PM


Couple pics during the Soul Train Awards which Omarion and Letoya hosted. It will be aired on March 17th . Anyone seen Letoya w/boss hog lately? Letoya, cmt: I would like to see her in a new coiffeur, but she still looks pretty cmt: wtf is he moving his mouth like he's a sped nosa! cmt: J-Hudd I have anew respect for her now. cmt: Omarion and Letoya cmt: HEY! there goes Tia from s2s and Tia from "All of us" lol! 2nd Tia dissapeared from AOU .more at YBF .winners from last yr.

What next?

1 representers:

Anonymous said...

everyone looks real nice! any more pics angela..?

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