
Jennifer Hudson,nude+millions=NO

published by Angella at 3/12/2007 03:27:00 PM



J-Hudd recently turned down a $3 Million role, because the "dreamgirls" actress want to be portray a positve role model for young black women. If I knew that girl, I'd sent her a well-baked pan of my grandmama's cake lol! I give her PROPS! Look like someone was paying attention to that "Is rap poison or art" when it discussed black women taking off their clothes on television, and how it degraded our african roots. I don't give a sh** about what peole say ,I agree with her 100%, even if she was NOT the one asked to be nude though (still thinking)

What next?

1 representers:

Anonymous said...

Why is her breast all out like that and claiming she don't like nudity?

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